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First year anniversary, comic convention, site updates and more!

First year anniversary, comic convention, site updates and more! published on

Hello! Long time no type, eh? I’d like to apologize for a long absence. There has been a lot going on here and it’s hard to put down just what all has been happening, but I’ll do my best~

First, happy -late- first year anniversary for Mechanical Hearts Synthetic Flowers! It hit one year old on December 23rd!
(Well, this rendition, but shhh no one needs to know about that.)

Secondly, my many apologies for such a late page. Truthfully it’s been done for a couple of months but a lot of life things have been happening and which brings me to the third thing, which is my office/studio room has been closed for months for deep cleaning. I’m hoping to get it back soon, but in the meantime I’ve moved my computer and tablet to another location so I can work again!

Third. No… Fourth!
If you are in Missouri in the St.Charles area or somewhere nearby, you can come meet me, Cas the monster, and Kiades the computer guy, at the St.Charles Mighty Con comic con on June 18th and 19th! Come by, say hello! Talk about random art things, comic things, food things! You can buy my stuff or even just loiter! Just whatever you do, don’t forget to check out the other awesome people there, seriously, some great artists here!

And fifth, though, it’s not really pertaining to this site, I’d like to still announce a nice shiny new look over on my main art site!
And since i figured out that site, maybe I can get to work on polishing up this one soon. Give it a proper banner and such? Yeah, that’d be nice.

Anyway, I don’t want to bore people with all the life things that have been happening recently, just a lot of reality caving in on our parade, hopefully it’ll smooth out soon.
Being an adult is hard man. Reality just needs to let me get back to my comics and stories.

Well wishes, and hoping you people are all safe out there-
Cas The Monster~

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